What Personal Care Services Do We Offer?

What Personal Care Services Do We Offer?

Learn about Lansdowne, Philadelphia & Philadelphia County, PA's affectionate care provider

Personal home care covers a wide variety of services. The care providers at Affectionate Home Health Care Services LLC can help you with lavatorial needs, basic self-care and mobility. Mobility assistance includes turning you in your bed and transferring you from a wheelchair to a bed or indoor seating. We can also help you with walking and exercise.

For clients with long-term illnesses, we also provide palliative care to help manage pain and provide comfort.

Call now to discuss your personal home care needs with one of our providers in Lansdowne or Philadelphia, PA.

5 reasons to schedule personal home care

Your life will become so much easier when you schedule personal care services in Lansdowne or Philadelphia, PA. We will assist you or your loved one with daily activities, such as:

  1. Grooming: This includes hair care, shaving, dental care, routine nail care and skin care.
  2. Bathing: We help with tub baths, sponge baths, bed baths and showers.
  3. Dressing: We can put on clothes, tie shoes and undress.
  4. Eating: We’ll help your loved one eat.
  5. Taking medication: We will remind our patient to take their medications at the appropriate times.

If needed, we can also monitor vital signs. Could personal care services improve your life? If so, call now.